Course Details
Master of Degree Physical Education (M.P.Ed. - Ist Year)
Section 'A' - Theory Examination.
      Maximum Marks
Sr. No. Paper Theory Sessional Total
1. Foundations of Physical Education 80 20 100
2. Research Methods in Physical Education 80 20 100
3. Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education 80 20 100
4. Optional Paper (Any Paper)
i). Recreation
ii). History of Physical Education
iii). Sports Medicine
80 20 100
Section 'B' Skills :-
The Examination under Part - II Skills shall be devided into Five Section.
a). Project & it's reporting (Tour, Seminar, Workshop) 20 Marks
b). Projection & Compilation of Athletic Note Book (internally assessed) 20 Marks
c). Annual Examination
i). Viva - voce of Athletic Note Book
(60 Marks)
ii). Performance
A). 100/200 mts Run
B). Long Jump / High Jump
C). Shot put / Discus / Javelin Throw
D). 30 Surya Namaskar
40 Marks
Master of Degree Physical Education (M.P.Ed. - IInd Year)
Section 'A' - Theory Examination.
      Maximum Marks
Sr. No. Paper Theory Sessional Total
1. Mechanical Analysis of Motor Movement 80 20 40
2. Sports Psychology 80 20 40
3. Science Method of Training & Coaching 80 20 40
4. Optional Paper (Any Paper)
i). Administration & Supervision in Physical Education
ii). Sports Sociology
iii). Youth & Social Welfare


(For those who have obtained more than 60%)
Makes at M.P.Ed. Part - Examination



Section 'B' Practical Work
Specialisation in one Major Game
A). Production of Game Book 25 Marks
B). Project (Camp & Seminar) 25 Marks
C). Annual Examination, one lesson on advance coaching 50 Marks
TOTAL 100 Marks
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